Site Coordination and Safety

Coordinating and monitoring the activities of the work team on a construction site is crucial to preventing accidents at work.

The main objectives of the technician responsible for site coordination and safety are to coordinate and monitor the work carried out on site during the construction project, so that it is carried out in conditions of safety, hygiene and health. This coordination contributes to the prevention of occupational risks in this activity.

In fact, most construction work requires the opening of the construction site to be notified to the ACT (Authority for Working Conditions) and consequently the appointment of a safety technician responsible for ensuring the implementation of the site’s health and safety plan. Failure to do so will result in the payment of fines. This technician checks that all the requirements are met, such as the existence of occupational accident insurance for workers, compliance with safety rules at various levels, the use of collective and individual protection equipment, carrying out work in the best safety conditions, the existence of first aid equipment, among others. It monitors the work until its completion and is obliged by law to stop work if it finds that it is being carried out in a way that could jeopardise the lives of workers. This is all the more important if you consider that – in the event of an accident at work – not only the builder and the technician responsible are liable under the law, but also and above all the owner of the work.